November 21, 2016

Car Hire In Iceland - Idiot's Guide To Car Rental

Our recent adventure to Iceland seen us make a difficult decision on how we were going to explore this amazing island.. Fork out $$$ for boring tour buses or take the plunge and hire our very first rental car. Thankfully, we chose the later and today I'm sharing my two pence on how we went from idiot to savvy in everything car-hire-101 and why you need to know this if you're hiring a car in Iceland...


Things You HAVE To Do In Iceland!

I mentioned in this post how Iceland is totally having a moment right now, and I am all for it! *insert raised hand emjoi*. After my recent adventure to the land of the vikings, I've put together a top list of things you absolutely have to do while you're in Iceland... You haven't done it right if you haven't checked out these things...


How To Plan A Trip To Iceland

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