December 02, 2016

How I Dealt With Cystic Acne - My Acne Vanishing Wonder Product

Breakouts of any kind are horrible, but the winner definitely goes to those cystic, under-the-skin painful spots that never seem to pack up and move on. After a recent and quite random breakout of horrific cystic acne I found the wonder-product cure which really works.

Towards the end of August / start of September I developed quite a horrible case of acne, but not just spots, I had been prized with horrendously painful cystic acne. I say this breakout was random because previous to this I have never had that much bother with my skin, surely I get the odd spot here and there, and during that time of the month I do often get cystic and painful spots which shortly go away, but towards the end of the Summer months every day I was getting more and more spots, and looking even more like The Joker each day with the dot-to-dot of lumps across my cheeks and mouth. 

These spots were so painful I couldn't even sleep on the left side of my face, no matter how often or little I cleansed my face, used spot treatments or drank my body weight in water, it was still getting worse.  I know that people have acne much worse than I did, but my skin was really weighing me down and played heavily on my mind, I was becoming obsessive over it so I decided it was time for a trip to the doctors for (hopefully) some antibiotics to send them on their way.

My doctor prescribed me a general acne antibiotic (lymecycline) and this cream, "Acnecide." This is a strong anti-bacterial cream for the skin which helps eradicate the cause of acne by killing bacteria on the skin that causes acne, it also acts as an anti-inflammatory to calm down any blazing spots too.

I can honestly say, hand on my heart, after one night of using this I seen a huge difference in the appearance and feel of my cystic acne. They were not half as painful, significantly less red and angry and they cleared away within days. After numerous weeks of continued treatment my skin was becoming more and more like its old self, the texture on my skin had completely vanished, the cystic spots were slowly but surely dying away and no new ones were settling in. 

During my time using the cream I experienced some mild irritation on my skin, sometimes burning if I applied moisturiser over top of it or if I over applied it. After pro-longed use my skin became quite dry and flaky, but this didn't bother me because I did suffer with severely oily skin before, after using this cream the oil levels in my skin are much more controllable and less radical. Just have a good moisturiser and face scrub to tackle the dryness, I highly highly highly recommend Lush products, shortly I'm going to be sharing the Lush products that helped me clear my skin so make sure you stick around here to find out!

I still do continue to use it now and again for small spots and pimples, but I 100% swear by this stuff. I always find spot treatments gimmicky and never do what they actually claim to do, but this works. 

You can get Acnecide by prescription from your local GP or you can purchase it from some pharmacies. Superdrug pharmacies sell it in store and online for £9.49 a tube, kind of expensive for a spot cream but SO worth it. If you suffer from acne or cystic spots try Acnecide, it honestly has changed my life.

If you found this post helpful don't forget to stick around for more skincare and acne advice, you can find my social media links on the right hand side of this page!

I'm still tackling my acne scars, check out this post to see which acid peel I swear by to shed them!


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