December 07, 2016

My Top Travel Moments

In the past few years I've been extremely lucky to be able to travel to some amazing cities around the world. On each trip I experience something that changes my perception of the world that little bit more. To me travel is an amazing opportunity, I cannot explain the joy and happiness I have found in exploring and falling in love with these cities, and to anyone that wants to travel, I cannot encourage you enough. 


December 05, 2016

Why I Didn't Go To University

The expected path to take after secondary school is to follow your education onto university or college, but admitting this wasn't the path for me was one of the scariest decisions I have ever had to make.

 Deciding to go to university is a huge move to make, and I wasn't ready to go. 


December 03, 2016

How To Start A Blog

I've been blogging now for three years, and over that time my most asked question is without a doubt, how did you start your blog?

Starting and running a blog comes in a two parts, the technical side of things, and the confidence and work ethic side of things. To keep things simple I'm going to kick off with the simple stuff first - tech.


December 02, 2016

How I Dealt With Cystic Acne - My Acne Vanishing Wonder Product

Breakouts of any kind are horrible, but the winner definitely goes to those cystic, under-the-skin painful spots that never seem to pack up and move on. After a recent and quite random breakout of horrific cystic acne I found the wonder-product cure which really works.


December 01, 2016

Styling Winter Prints

Finally December 1st has rolled around and it's now socially acceptable to watch Elf again.. but apart from Elf and the other wonders of the Christmas holidays, December also brings the famous blogger ritual - "Blogmas" - The challenge of uploading a blogpost every day in the run up to Christmas. This year, for some bizzare reason, I have decided to see if I can rise to the test, so here goes Blogmas numero one.

November 21, 2016

Car Hire In Iceland - Idiot's Guide To Car Rental

Our recent adventure to Iceland seen us make a difficult decision on how we were going to explore this amazing island.. Fork out $$$ for boring tour buses or take the plunge and hire our very first rental car. Thankfully, we chose the later and today I'm sharing my two pence on how we went from idiot to savvy in everything car-hire-101 and why you need to know this if you're hiring a car in Iceland...


Things You HAVE To Do In Iceland!

I mentioned in this post how Iceland is totally having a moment right now, and I am all for it! *insert raised hand emjoi*. After my recent adventure to the land of the vikings, I've put together a top list of things you absolutely have to do while you're in Iceland... You haven't done it right if you haven't checked out these things...


How To Plan A Trip To Iceland


October 16, 2016

Wedding Guest Style - Denim Jumpsuit

Finding a wedding guest outfit isn't always easy, especially for Autumn weddings when the transitional fashion period is well under way. 

July 25, 2016

4 Day Guide to Barcelona: Top Money Saving Tips

"Little by little, one travels far"

Fresh off the plane from my latest travel adventure, pockets full of advice and tales of the most beautiful city - Barcelona is a little gem full of culture and diversity, and an absolute must on any travel list, but from experience of my travels I have pinned a few handy tips..


June 08, 2016

Travel Guide: London In Four Days

Preparing for our Barcelona trip in two weeks time (eeeee!) has taught me a whole new love and appreciation for travel blogs and guides, especially Em Talks! The low-down on the destination and the ins and outs of everything helps take away some of the travel anxiety. So since I've had my fair share of travelling over the past year - Venice, Rome, Verona and London to be exact, I thought I should give my two pence on the do's and don'ts in these cities..

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